Low-Cost, High-Impact Marketing Tools for Real-Estate Agents
Competition is fierce in the real estate industry. You need something that will set you apart from other real estate agents without breaking the bank. Luckily, there are many cost-efficient ways you can do this. Take a look at these low-cost, high-impact marketing online tools that will help you grow your online presence and increase […]
7 Things to Consider When Purchasing a Home
So, you finally decided to purchase a home. That’s great! There’s nothing more satisfying than owning your own property. However, while this is a triumphant time in your life, there are also many issues that some with the process of owning a home. Particularly, purchasing a home is a long journey that needs to […]
10 Things to do to Sell Your Home Fast
Are you looking to sell your house? Real estate is a tricky business, and sometimes the difference between selling your house quickly and having it sit on the market can be a small one. Here are 10 things you can do to your home to help it sell quicker, and for more money! 1. Post […]
6 Housing Trends to Watch for in 2018
It’s a complicated world, and trends change on a regular basis. As we approach the new year, we also approach a new host of hot trends and issues on the housing market. Here are six major trends that will dominate the housing market in 2018. Generation X is entering the fray. Within the next few […]
Why Should Someone Hire your Mortgage Brokerage?
As a mortgage broker, your business relies heavily on marketing. Some brokers would even say they’re actually in the business of marketing more than mortgages! Think about it, any mortgage broker can call up and say they will offer the best rates and best service… It’s nothing new. So if this isn’t why someone would […]
7 Things to Remember When Buying a Home
Buying a home is not always a simple task. It takes quite a lot of thought and planning before you’re ready to invest. Throughout the whirlwind of the home buying process, many important steps could easily be skipped or forgotten. It’s important to keep the most important tips for buying a home close to your […]
How Real Estate Agents can Attract Millennials
The Millennial generation is now the largest generation in the United States. Soon, they will begin to start purchasing homes. This means, they will become the most important market for anyone in the real estate industry. Here’s how to attract Millennials to your real estate agency. Who is a Millennial? Millennials are commonly defined as […]